Thursday, May 1, 2008
Taking Cover
Storms are brewing here tonight. It's always a bit eary when the sirens go off and the tv sends it's emergency alert. We watched the storms sending folks for cover on the Kansas side then one of the storms veered east. Jackson was so prepared. That's his Blackhawk hockey goalie mask.
This tiny little coat closet held every single one of us Myers. The miracle is that it was full to the brim of suit cases and winter coats just minutes before we got in.
In case you are wondering how we do it. Jackson gets in first and sits on the floor. John sat on that blue stool in the middle and held Cooper on his lap (drapped over Jackson's legs too) Colby stood up head first into the closet with her head at Jackson's feet and her backside towards the door. Then we scoot the cat carrier in that last little space with Brady inside and I sat on the cat carrier. It really was amazing how calm and cooperative all the critters were. And it was hot in that closet. Really hot. It was a looonnngg 15 minutes. We had the tv blaring so we could hear the weather reports. The closet is 3 x 4 and held one 6'2" man, one 5'6" growing 12 year old, one plus size mama, 2 -75 pound dogs and one cat.