Monday, July 28, 2008
Family Day
Sunday was the big Vacation Bible School celebration. The kiddos sang at church, well at least Erin did. Lauren is a bit on the shy side. Then we had an old fashioned church pot luck. I love church food. Erin really enjoyed the olives which she ate with pleasure from her little bitty finger tips.
Then later in the day we went to Deb's for a family dinner. Brian cooked an amazing feast complete with home made blackberry cobbler. Lauren did hair. Oh boy did she do hair. Don't I look fetching. Then it was off to the pool for an early evening dip.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
the season finale
Friday, July 25, 2008
1.2. 3 strikes yar out
The Pirates live to see another baseball day. We move forward in the tournament after another fun game last night.
I sometimes forget just how big my boy is. Check out those big beefy hands compared to those of his catcher Kyle.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Ahoy Mates
The Pirates pounded the opposing team tonight in game three of the tournament. They fended off a late inning rally that drew the game within one run, bases loaded, winning run on second, no outs. Four coaches all over forty thinking they might need blood pressure medication. And one mama so full of nerves that she gave up the score keepers pad and had to pace and whose stomach was lurching so hard it made her dizzy. Maybe Jack has this relief pitcher stuff down. But I don't. Pitching change allowed me to get my breath. Anyway one out at a time we beat back the attack. And then was the victory ever sweet. Jack hit a slam into center field that would have cleared the fence had it been hit to left or right field. (probably 265 feet) He ran it for the home run.
After the game coach Johnny enjoyed the adoration of the girls. This never fails to melt my heart.
Mom & Harold picked corn in the country and blessed us with some of their bounty. Oh yea. John will be in corn heaven tonight.
Michael Vick is a turd. Almost everyday we think the dogs have had an accident. People who come to our home think the dogs have pooped. But it's just Michael Vick. Which just happens to be Cooper's favorite toy at the moment.
Jesus helps us be brave. Aha. Yep. It's day three of bible school. The girls are loving it. Lauren looked forward all day long to making those blankets to help the babies who didn't have families. Look at that concentration. Gotta make those knots.
And we made goopy slim. What a mess. But somehow it all stuck together. This is just a blast.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Jesus heals the leopards
Erin and Lauren are enjoying Bible School this week. Erin stood very still as a big old bubble was pulled right over her.
And Lauren experiences the life of a leper first hand. Except she got it a bit confused. She thought they said that Jesus healed ten leopards. Which might explain the little stickers with dots hey leopards have dots.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Croquet Anyone?
The boys are crochet playing fools lately. And they are getting very good.
Cooper stayed out all night long. I don't know what he got into but boy was it a mess. And this... this the dog that hates baths more than anything. Cooper spent the night chasing rabbits out of the yard. We opened up the camper and Nick slept over. Cooper hopped up on both beds and sat a while and laughed. Ever see a dog laugh. Total amusement on his face. Beds are compact. Cooper was a just a tank. Finally laid down but then hoped right back up. Rabbit in the corner. Whimpers. Ok. Your out of here. I could see his light body bolting around that yard all night long. And was he ever tired the next day. Where was Colby? She was draped across the air conditioner vent in the living room. Smart dog.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mamie is back. She'd been with my sister for about a year and a half. But she came back on Sunday. We'd missed her. Mamie isn't her real name. But we don't know her real name. Her stunning picture was kinda tossed into the pile when I bid on a beautiful antique picture of a dog at an auction a few years back. Which really offended me. Family pictures are to be treasured. The idea that she'd be just randomly given away well it was offensive. I was mesmerized by her strength. Who was this woman? And what in the world was I gonna do with her. I gave her to my sister. And after a while she gave her back. She was last exchanged tucked in lovely tissue paper inside a beautifully wrapped Christmas present. Two years ago.

Then on Sunday I found her tucked deep inside a big pile of towels that my sister had washed. She'd done some of my laundry while Erin and I went to church. And there in my very, very worn laundry basket with the rip on the side and the handle that's broken was my Mamie. She's back. Admonishing me to "get a new laundry basket."
Summer time
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Sign Up Day
Today was the day we officially sign up for football. It's a big day. Players are carefully measured and fitted for equipment. Jackson was adament that no photos be taken. Something about embarrassing him to death. But I did manage to sneak one pic. The table full of shoulder pads. Jack officially signed in at 5"7" (just one sliver away from 5"8") and 160 lbs. He gets a lot of attention from the room full of coaches.

Brady is not very photogenic. He almost always shuts his eyes in that split second when the shutter snaps. Maybe it's those cat like reflexes. So he's not featured as much in this daily reflection of our crazy lives. Brady is our lover. He loves to curl up on your chest or lap and purr contentedly. He and Jack have a head butt thing that they do that is just so sweet. Brady tucks his head down and touches his forehead to Jack's. No fooling. After a fun night at the ball park- one that featured a home run no less- a fellow just wants to come home and drape across the couch to play some video games. And Brady is happy to play the part of personal masseuse.
Later that night Brady provides personal companion services while I read the new Oprah magazine.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Cooper's Little Secret
Everyone who looks at our Cooper assumes they are looking at some pedigreed pure breed of the highest caliber. They always are a bit surprised when I mention that we adopted him from the humane society- and even more shocked when I mention his dirty little secret. He's not all golden. This picture never fails to crack me up. One of these things isn't like the others. One of these things just isn't the same. That fuzzy little golden one chowing down on that puppy mush is our Cooper. The rest of the family looks like his mix-breed black lab mix mama who was kindly rescued from the shelter when she was oh so very pregnant they thought she'd pop any minute. She gave birth in her foster mom's garage the next day. Thanks to some very dedicated volunteers this story has a very happy ending- all seven plus mama found good homes including of course our Cooper!

The boys had a great time at the baseball game last night. I stayed home and made Blaik a birthday cake to celebrate his upcoming 12th birthday. Today we said goodbye, as Blaik left to continue his journey to visit his grandparents in Oklahoma.
A photo opp with a 2 year old goofy golden retriever is always good for some laughs.
Before the game yesterday we headed back out on another trail. And the dogs got to come along on this one. I'm too far away to hear the "boy talk." But we've had some great conversations over the last few days. It was hot, hot, hot on that trail. And poor Colby was really struggling to keep up. So us gals hung back a bit.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Old Friends
One of Jack's best buds in the first grade was Blaik. He moved to a nearby town in the second grade and then on to Wisconsin the following year. We've kept in touch since then. Blaik is hanging out with us for the next couple days in route to visit his Grandparent's in Oklahoma. We spent yesterday at a great local water park. 4 1/2 hours of sliding, diving and roasting. Today we went on a mammoth hike at one of my favorite trails. It's got cool limestone bluffs.
Much talking takes place in the quiet of the woods. The boys are discussing the upcoming football season. Blaik roots for some team in Green Bay.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
What Fourth of July celebration would be complete without some big bangs. Our first fireworks were with the girls. Erin was a little leery about her first sparkler.
The girls and their cousins were set to watch from the back of the pick up truck.
Isn't Lauren's hair cut great!
The second act of fireworks was the big community display watched from the tucked away vantage point of a nearby fishing lake. We actually watched two community displays from a nearby town as well.
The third act was with our neighbors who purchased a truck load of goods.
Friday, July 4, 2008
the Fourth of July
Happy Fourth of July! We celebrated at the big neighborhood parade at my Mom & Dad's. When Deb and I were little the neighborhood was thick with kiddos and the parade was a major big deal. The decorating of bikes began days beforehand. Jackson is also a parade alumni. I spent hours creating "the SS America with Captain Jack" boat out of his little push car when he was a year old.
Deb was decked out.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
the lazy days of summer
Ladies who lunch
I met the ladies for lunch on Tuesday. It was Jay's first time at a restaurant. Jay is Lauren's special doll. Deb bought her at the American Girl store in Chicago a couple years ago. Anyway she sat in her own boster chair. Jay's "Aunt Renie" helped her.
Erin calls herself "aunt renie." Lauren explained that she knew it should be aunt erin. But they kept forgetting and finally just decided to call her aunt renie. Isn't that a scream.
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