Then on Sunday I found her tucked deep inside a big pile of towels that my sister had washed. She'd done some of my laundry while Erin and I went to church. And there in my very, very worn laundry basket with the rip on the side and the handle that's broken was my Mamie. She's back. Admonishing me to "get a new laundry basket."
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Mamie is back. She'd been with my sister for about a year and a half. But she came back on Sunday. We'd missed her. Mamie isn't her real name. But we don't know her real name. Her stunning picture was kinda tossed into the pile when I bid on a beautiful antique picture of a dog at an auction a few years back. Which really offended me. Family pictures are to be treasured. The idea that she'd be just randomly given away well it was offensive. I was mesmerized by her strength. Who was this woman? And what in the world was I gonna do with her. I gave her to my sister. And after a while she gave her back. She was last exchanged tucked in lovely tissue paper inside a beautifully wrapped Christmas present. Two years ago.