We have the only golden in America that's not that fond of water. He likes creeks & the edges of lakes
ok but the water part he only tolerates. The first time we bathed Cooper was an all out disaster. The only thing worse was the time I tried to bath the cat. (oh yea collectively now... what were you thinking?!) And by the way cats completely think you are trying to drown them. And if I'd have fell full
throttle into a thorn bush I would have emerged less battle scared. The cat bat was only slightly less of a war than that first bath with Cooper.
But as the weather cools comes the inevitable..... bath day. Only one day a year are baths scheduled. The rest of the year if you get dirty or ya stink you get a bath. But only one day a year whether you appear to need it or not.... you're getting a bath. That last warm day before winter.

Oh the humility. But a 2 year old golden is an entirely different creature than a 1 year old golden.
And the deed got done. Now Colby she's too much of a lady to cause much fuss. But ya know under her breath she's letting us have it.
Damn the people and their soapy water.
The other inevitable thing in life is seventh grade science and their experiments. We had to design a science experiment that uses the "
scientific method."

So we plowed ahead. This little experiment was "how does carbon dioxide affect oxygen." Baking soda, vinegar and a candle. Add the vinegar and it creates a bubbling froth that produces carbon dioxide and uses up all the oxygen. (think fire fighters battling big wild fires) The funniest part was when Jack ran from the room returning with a big old towel over his mouth to scream. Mom carbon dioxide will kill you. What were you thinking. Carbon
monoxide deary breath easy.