Her little tag read African American Boy. But I loved her, gender identity questions and all. I bought him/her some little bottles and made he/she a little crochet blanket. The boys have had a lot of fun with my sweet little black baby doll. I found her all over the house. She was in my bed when I pulled down the covers one night. One day she was in the bathroom and someone had tied a string around her plastic bag so it looked like she was suicidal. This morning my little gender neutral baby sat on the alter at church. This afternoon she was delivered with her little goods to a local agency that will help her find a little girl to love for Christmas.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Our city has a great indoor pool. Well normally it's great. But last night the heater broke in the big room that houses the pool. The water was warm but the air wasn't. This fact certainly doesn't bother 13 year old boys. And it didn't bother their mother who was neck deep in the hot tub trying to melt.
A fact of my life is that I live with boys. I'm surrounded. Even occasional forays with my nieces doesn't change the fact that there is a lot of testosterone in Myers house. My husband, my son, and a rotating cast of 3 surrogate sons. So when it came time to purchase a toy for the Church's' toy drive I picked a baby doll. Deb and I went to US Toy and found this beautiful African American baby doll. They had dolls of every nationality and heritage. She was the prettiest. Then I get her home and find that, gasp, she's a boy.