Saturday, May 30, 2009
Baseball Night in America
It's baseball night at Myers house. Our team took home their second win of the season (we are now 2-1). Jackson had a monster hit. John did a cracker jack job as third base coach. And I kept accurate and complete stats for the team book. But please let me know if the baseball police are coming cause I'll have to explain what happened in the second inning when I was admiring Erin's green tongue, and then was digging for some money to send a sibling child to the concession stand for a coke. What a convenient thing it must be to have more than one child. Anyway I get the meat of the game at 100%. Maybe not all the balls and strikes. After all a gals got to have a cold drink.
Baseball is a community affair. The entire sports community spends their nights and their days on these fields. After playing nine years (and counting two seasons of fall ball- 11 total seasons of baseball) you get to know people. People that you've played with before. People that you go to school with. People that played football. People that have played on opposing teams for nine years. And that' s not even taking into account all the people that John gets to know from his Parks and Rec gig. It's a great baseball community. My next door neighbor and good friend Trish was on the field next to ours watching Cameron play.
And now for something completely different. And completely ridiculous This is the cat in the fire place. What might make a cat curious enough to thread himself into the fireplace. Birds. For the past several years we've had a bird built a nest in the heat vent of the fireplace. We can hear the little one's chirp when the mama brings a worm. Poor Brady's determined to figure it all out.
I noticed something when the boys were gone and I would sit quietly and contently watching tv. There is a bit of war going on between the birds and Brady. They sit and look in the house. Like a lot. Which if you happen to be afraid of birds, like I am, is very very creepy. I felt like I was being stalked out of some horror movie. The robin peering in at me from the kitchen window. The sparrow stalking me from the tree in the living room. I tell myself they are really just looking for the cat who obliviously must sit by the windows and glare at them. But who knows. Maybe I'm starring in some bird double feature.