Sunday, August 2, 2009
Today we celebrated something very special. It was an occasion 40 years in the making. It's an amazing and wondrous thing when two people fall in love, and an even more rare and amazing when they are still together 40 years later.
Today Dee and Cal hit this milestone. Cal was a young soldier in Vietnam. Dee was given his name as a pen pal. Their letters blossomed into love. And as Dee's sister Vicki toasted "they fell in love before they even laid eyes."
Debbie did a great job hosting the reception. Lots of good food. Two beautiful cakes. Carefully selected pictures that documented their 40 years of life together placed next to beautiful arranged centerpieces.
Mom and Harold shared the hosting duties. They toiled quietly away in the kitchen mixing pitcher after pitcher of punch, stirring meat balls, replenishing pickles and taking care of all the kitchen details. I have the best family. They show up. And they show up willing to roll up their sleeves. Once Harold hopped into a canoe and paddled up brush creek wrangling ducks for the duck derby. My cousin Angie wore a heavy mascot costume in 100 degree weather. And God only knows the number of times that Debbie and Mom saved the day.