Anyway Erin and I delivered a nice warm soft doggie bed that somehow found it's way to our house. She helped me carry it in, and we were both so delighted to see a sweet little pit bull all curled up in it a bit later. This little westie is only 9 months old and is just too cute. Erin is telling him that he's too nooossseee.
Monday, March 31, 2008
It's Raining Cats and Dogs
Mondays are library day. After Erin and I went to story time we visited the local animal shelter. Just looking. I've done the animal rescue scene before- many many years of rescued pups and kittens. In fact I was a volunteer at this very shelter. One of my gigs was to pick up donated food from the Walmart and bring it back to the shelter. In fact I was doing just that when I heard that the Twin Towers were falling on 9-11.
Anyway Erin and I delivered a nice warm soft doggie bed that somehow found it's way to our house. She helped me carry it in, and we were both so delighted to see a sweet little pit bull all curled up in it a bit later. This little westie is only 9 months old and is just too cute. Erin is telling him that he's too nooossseee.
" Hello cats I'm Erin."
Anyway Erin and I delivered a nice warm soft doggie bed that somehow found it's way to our house. She helped me carry it in, and we were both so delighted to see a sweet little pit bull all curled up in it a bit later. This little westie is only 9 months old and is just too cute. Erin is telling him that he's too nooossseee.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
the world of pectin
One of my new year's resolutions was to make jelly. And tonight was the night. My "Canning For Dummies" book is now overdue at the library- so I figured the time to make this jelly was over due too.
I found a "simple" recipe using frozen strawberries and forged ahead. I put the little jars in hot water. I imagined glass bursting.
This was the strawberry mixture. I poured in enough sugar to send all of Missouri into insulin shock. Stirred and waited for the "boil." Hoping this moten glob wouldn't mimic the Brady Bunches volcano projects.
We don't have proper equipment. And I couldn't find the nice big white stock pot that we made chili in before we got the new crock pot. So this project took a little jimmy rigging. Notice the wire hangers filling in for something called the jar rack.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
the return of spring
Any day that starts with baseball is gonna be an ok day. Although it was just plain weird. The Red Sox started their season in Japan at 5:00 AM our time. John woke up for the start, while Jack and I watched them win in extra innings over breakfast.
I spent some time outside with some of my favorite people. Erin absolutely loves walking Colby.
Uncle Johnny and Lauren walk back from the park. She sure does love her Uncle Johnny.
I spent some time outside with some of my favorite people. Erin absolutely loves walking Colby.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter
The girls joined us for Easter services this morning complete with Easter dresses, white patent leather shoes and little white gloves. Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's for our Easter feast.
Something amazing happened..... while I ran back to church to pick something up the Easter bunny stopped by. (wink, wink)
Erin shows her eggs to the Bunny.
Something amazing happened..... while I ran back to church to pick something up the Easter bunny stopped by. (wink, wink)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Where's Waldo
Our friends are moving to Columbia. We've sat next to each other in countless baseball and football games, hosted sleep overs, done birthday parties, went for ice cream after games, and watched our "only" sons grow up. Tonight we bid them goodbye with pizza at Waldo Pizza.
Their neighbor and our mutual good friend Andrew joined us.
Ready for Easter
Friday, March 21, 2008
A Good Friday
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Maundy Thursday
Aren't we a fetching group coming out of Maundy Thursday services.
A men's ministry group reinacted the last supper using Da Vinci's painting as a starting point. Jackson invitied his friend Daniel. Jackson and three of his friends sat in front of John and I. Very cool.
There's been some power spring cleaning taking place in the Myers house. I moved around the living room to give it a different feel. The dogs love having the love seat next to the windows. We had a beautiful spring day today and Colby really enjoyed the breeze.
She looked so sweet and content. Later we walked Daniel home under a big gorgeous spring moon. The dogs really love all those night smells. It was good being a dog in the Myers house today!
And lastly, Jack's has spent most of spring break hanging out with friends. They landed here this afternoon. He's got good friends. We like them. We could however probably lose that whoopee cushion that's been tooting all afternoon. And I'm not all that crazy about basketball which was on all day long. But I am crazy about my son~so I'll stock up on chips, pop and ear plugs!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Good Bye Edith
One of the joys of being close to your grandparents is that you get to know their friends. My Gerty's lifelong best friend was her cousin Edith. Edith past away this week and her funeral was today. Mom, Harold, Deb and I loaded up into their great big fancy new truck and treked down to Keytesville to say good bye. The visitation was last night and we spent the night with Aunt Bev and Uncle Jimmy. They live in my Gerty and Papa's house, and any time we visit it brings back memories of the times we spent there with them.
My Uncle Jimmy is looking more and more like my Papa. Someone dumped the dog on his left and it had about starved to death when Jimmy found him. Now Buddy is spoiled rotten! He hit the jack pot in finding a new home. Molly's there on the right in all her sweetness.
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Drenched Day
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Palm Parade
Erin and Lauren were a part of the palm parade at church this morning. Lauren got a bit of stage fright, but Erin was just about the sweetest parade waver you've ever seen. Grandma and Grandpa joined us. The wait at IHOP was about 45 minutes so we headed to HyVee for some good grub. Here's the whole clan munching down on breakfast, chinese, lunchables and macaroni and cheese. There was something for everyone!
Erin trying to figure out how to work those chopsticks. They also feasted on those "cookies with words" that they love.
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