Mondays are library day. After Erin and I went to story time we visited the local animal shelter. Just looking. I've done the animal rescue scene before- many many years of rescued pups and kittens. In fact I was a volunteer at this very shelter. One of my gigs was to pick up donated food from the Walmart and bring it back to the shelter. In fact I was doing just that when I heard that the Twin Towers were falling on 9-11.
Anyway Erin and I delivered a nice warm soft doggie bed that somehow found it's way to our house. She helped me carry it in, and we were both so delighted to see a sweet little pit bull all curled up in it a bit later. This little westie is only 9 months old and is just too cute. Erin is telling him that he's too nooossseee.
" Hello cats I'm Erin."