Saturday, March 29, 2008
the world of pectin
One of my new year's resolutions was to make jelly. And tonight was the night. My "Canning For Dummies" book is now overdue at the library- so I figured the time to make this jelly was over due too.
I found a "simple" recipe using frozen strawberries and forged ahead. I put the little jars in hot water. I imagined glass bursting.
This was the strawberry mixture. I poured in enough sugar to send all of Missouri into insulin shock. Stirred and waited for the "boil." Hoping this moten glob wouldn't mimic the Brady Bunches volcano projects.
We don't have proper equipment. And I couldn't find the nice big white stock pot that we made chili in before we got the new crock pot. So this project took a little jimmy rigging. Notice the wire hangers filling in for something called the jar rack.