Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Library Time

Check out the sas in those pink high tops. The bringing of naked babies to events was one I missed with Jackson. I'm gonna make it my personal mission to cloth those naked babies. Not since I made those legendary jeans for my Ken doll have I had the urge to cloth. We read the very hungry caterpillar and made caterpillars by stringing circles onto pipe cleaners. By the way did you know they have a new name "chanel sticks."

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Red letter day in the Myers house. Jackson officially joined the Church.

Here's the fan club that was on hand to watch. Deb is taking the pic.
Of course such a big day needs some big food. John made a feast. And we had cake. The cake with the really thick yummy frosting.

What a pretty cake.

And what a yummy cake! Although little cousin Ben remarked that it didn't have any numbers on it. And no candles.
This is Jackson's Godmother, my cousin Angie. His Godfather is John's good friend Jay who lives in Boston.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Garage Sale Queens

One of my favorite Saturday morning activities is to garage sale. We've raised an entire little second generation of bargain hunters as well. So while Jackson was off at baseball practice. We hit the streets. And bargains we did find. Erin was so proud of this delightful little wagon bought for the dear price of 50 cents that she clutched it in her seat.

And she decided that the little white kitten that we purchased for $2 needed to ride in it at the next garage sale. The kitten by the way purrs and moves and carries on so. But I swear when I picked it up it hissed!
Lauren was very proud of the romance novel that she bought her mom. So proud in fact that Aunt Renie got one at the next sale. (by the way um neither of us have ever in our life read one of these gems but we clutched them and carried on about them enough to win academy awards) And if you laugh too hard we'll tell her that you would sure love a good book to read this summer.
My garage sale purchases: water shoes for Jackson, a spool of beige thread, a book by Elizabeth Berg, a cute little soup size kettle and 8 matching blue speckled camping dishes. Total of all purchase $5.

Before and After

The barber strike appears to be over.


After. Now we did tease up Jack's hair in the before picture. Hurt that thick hair's feelings real good we did. And the after is wet. But lordy it looks much better.

We hung out at Deb's house last night. No greater pleasure on a Friday night than the smell and feel of brand new play dough.

Nanny Goats

Mrs. O's first grade put on a play today. One should never ever miss the opportunity to see kids performances. So of course I was there second row center to watch Miss Sammy as the lovely lavendar butterfly.

The play was the Nanny Goats remember them. Trip trop trip trop over the bridge.

Cute cute cute. There was much singing and a chance for every kid in the class to shine. Notice the arrangements of pillow case costumes. How creative!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Buffet Bound

Deb and I went on a road trip today. We headed to Huntsville to an auction in search of a particular antique buffet. We detoured our route so that we could eat lunch at Shannon's in Salisbury. You can have your 5 star restaurants~ we'll take Shannon's. It's an old tiny converted gas station with the best diner food you can imagine. Roast beef, real potatoes, green beans, and home made pies and cakes and country food. And it's about the friendliest place on earth. But who wouldn't be happy partaking in such amazing food. All the country folk come to enjoy each others company as well as the food. And they are more than willing to let two silly city gals join in the fun.
We are also big fans of Iman Auction of Salisbury where we spent many a Saturday afternoon with our grandma's. So when Deb saw a lovely buffet to remind her of the one that Granny had in their sale bill we were off. About 150 people had the same idea.

She had me go convertly take a picture of the buffet in question. Just in case that it went home with someone else. Beautiful piece of furnature.

Now we just had to wait for it to come up for bid. It was a beautiful warm spring day. (so warm in fact I'm sunburned on my arms and my neck) Just how much Christmas stuff did this family have anyway? By the way the chair that Deb is sitting in went for just $75.

And she nabbed the buffet for $225. And miracle of all miracles this buffet is just about the exact dimensions of Deb's Saturn View. This is Debbie's happy face.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Post Practice

Jack was in a bit of a hurry to grab the last bit of daylight after practice to play some wiffle ball. So he literally let it all drop. And yep that's what you think it is sitting next to the cleats. Yuck.


I found this little guy in the corner of the yard while I was doing pooper scooper duty this afternoon. The little frog had dug himself into a little pocket in the yard.


I was unpacking all the loot from the Pet Expo and came across these delicious looking cookies. Jackson won these cookies at a booth, and we stowed them under the stroller. We were waiting for that Cat show to start and Jackson was wondering through rescue booths. I remembered hey we have those chocolate cookies. I had passed them out to the girls and even had my mouth opened ready to receive the chocolate. When I noticed that the little girl in front of us was staring me down "um hey lady I think those cookies are for dogs." I retrieved said cookies faster than you could say kibble.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dawg Days

We headed to the Pet Expo today and hung out with all sorts of critters. Erin wasn't too sure what to make of this gentle giant. Geez she didn't even come up to his chin.

The biggest hit were the Acrocats. Cats doing tricks. As you might imagine it took a lot of coaxing to get the cats to do their routines. But it was fuuuunnnny. Riding skate boards, pushing little push cars, driving remote control cars. Right in the middle of the show though Erin announced that she had to go and to go right now. Since the bathrooms couldn't be further away and meant a long snaking route through wall to wall people we had to think fast. Poor Erin ended up squating by the back door where the dogs were supposed to pee. Just so ya know!

My beautiful girl.

Jackson got to talk to his animal agility teacher and some former classmates. He has such a gentle touch with animals- at many of the booths they would let him take out the kitty/cat/pup/dog and just play with it. And notice that I did not embarrass him to death by taking his picture.

Friday, April 18, 2008


I was just enjoying an ordinary quiet rainy Friday night. Watching some hockey. Our neighbor works for a trucking company and shared with us some of the boxes of unclaimed freight frozen cheese sticks that he brought home. Very yummy.

24 boxes in the freezer. Then I hopped in the car and brought them to friends who I thought might have some room in their freezers.


I wore the pups out. Just look at poor Copper's face. We walked in the neighborhood for over an hour. I followed a path out of the park to the adjoining neighborhood and threaded through it's streets and then back through mine. Spring trees are blooming- and a lite rain started falling so that you could really smell it all.

The dogs laid out like this all afternoon. We at one time had a lot more critters and John worked as an executive chef at a country club. He'd come home late at night and said it looked like a nuclear bomb had exploded.... feet and bodies every where. Three large dogs, two cats, one small boy and one tired mom. All snoozing. Curled up throughout the living room with the tv still blaring.

By the way just for the record the most dogs that we ever had at one time was 11! In our tiny little 2 bedroom rental house. Only one was at that time ours. I volunteered about 10 hours a week for a local shelter. Anyway I had rescued a beautiful golden/black lab mixed on quite literally the final hours of her time at the shelter. (she later became ours - she was the most loving dog I'd ever met- how could I not keep such a great dog!). The shelter called a week later. Would I by any chance be willing to take a black lab mom and her three babies. They have to be put to sleep if we can't find a foster home. Ok. Buddy and her 3 babies found a cozy home in our basement/garage. (all of whom found incredably good homes)
Then the next day we got another call. Would I be willing to see if my new foster mommy would take in five orphaned basset hound mix pups about the same age. Oh and we'll have to put them to sleep in about an hour if we can't find anyone. Ok. The second litter found a cozy home in my kitchen after my sweet Buddy just lunged at them. Then John comes home after a busy Sunday at the country club. I can still remember his look of surprise as he counted the dogs... "what is wrong with this picture? we have 11 dogs!" The orphaned pups only spent one day. Then I found another volunteer who wasn't working and could bottle feed those little chubby boogers all day and night.
Reason 1191 why I like this man. He puts up with my insanity when it comes to cute critters. He jokes about coming home and just finding a spare dog in the garage. This season of our life came to a close due to one dog with a comprimised immune system and one little boy whose heart broke every time one of our little chargers went to a new home.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


John and I went on a great walk on a new trail today. This spot offered a beautiful view of the lake. By the way that plastic thing in the bottom of the pic is the dogs plastic fold up water dish. It's amazing. It folds up to the size of a travel sewing kit- and pulls out and makes a nice little dish. After watching Colby gimp around on a sore paw all winter, it was great watching her positively prance on the trail today.


The first practice of the season. Jackson is in the red frantically mouthing the word "no" as I pull out the camera. Have I mentioned lately how this 365 picture every day thing can sometimes embarrass him to death. That's John in the fore ground- the drill was about baserunning- pitchers picking off runners something like that.


They had a special presentation today at library time. Mrs. Ladybug came to read books about bugs. That's Erin in the flower sweater.

Then something bad happened. They passed out those cool music sticks. We love those music sticks. Right in the middle of pounding out "the ants go marching two by two' Erin got wacked in the head by the little boy next to her. We continued on valiantly. It isn't easy being three.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday Mornings

Erin just loves her Sunday school class. She's in the center in pink playing with play dough. Her teachers are the best~

Here's the Myers clan after church.
Later we played Candy Land with Erin. Drats that Candy Cane forest!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Equipment Day

It's time for a new season of baseball. Today John and Jackson went shopping for equipment that fits his growing body. New bat for those growing biceps, new cool red and white batting gloves.

Even a new glove. Those hands are growing.

And new cleats. We can only hope they will last through the season. Those feet grow the most of all!

I love the start of a new season. Everything is so ripe with possibilities. Will this be the year? Will this be the year that Jack slams one over the fence. (We've come close before~ and I by the way embarrass him because this act never fails to make me cry. Last year's slam was even worse because Deb and I both were crying and jumping up and down like lunatics. But it was right out of the movies the team met him at home plate and everything!) Will this be the year that his pitching finally takes hold. He's got a good arm but it's also one of the wildest. Will this be the year that he makes it an entire season without having to take a leak behind the equipment shed thingee. (or worse yet in centerfield of an unoccupied field in full focus of the entire bleachers who were all watching him to see what in the world is he doing ) I guess we're about to find out.


As you may remember one of my resolutions is to find a great job. I had an interview today and am quite excited about the possibilities. Director of Development for a non-profit serving the elderly. This whole interview stuff is a lot like dating. I'd be willing to go on a second date- let's see if they are interested.

One of the reasons that John married me is that I knew the strike zone in both leagues. I was in fact at one point going to be a sports reporter except for the fact that I didn't like football (consider the irony in that seeing as to how many football games I have been and will likely go to in the coming years!) Anyway we both drooled over these magnetic standings boards. They seemed so cool. John found me one on the internet and we are retiring my hand made standings logos which I slapped onto the back of a wipe off board.
Isn't it great being an adult!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Supportin the Team

It's a dark and stormy night...... and the Myers are on the move. During a break in the action we hiked down to the park. Check out our hoodies. John was very proud.

A Hail of a Day

Spring storms are in the air. We had about 2 inches of pea size hail this afternoon in one power sweep. What do 1 and 1/2 year old goofy puppies do when the house sounds like it's being attacked. Well this.......

They climb atop the love seat.

And the hail came.

Here's some of the accumulation- looked like snow.

John ran out to check out the sky.

Cool. Very cool. He took this shot from the park where we play baseball.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A Walk in the Park

I've been happily married to this man for 19 years and 1 day. Yesterday was our anniversary.

This morning we took the pups to the park.