Saturday, April 12, 2008
Equipment Day
It's time for a new season of baseball. Today John and Jackson went shopping for equipment that fits his growing body. New bat for those growing biceps, new cool red and white batting gloves.
Even a new glove. Those hands are growing.
And new cleats. We can only hope they will last through the season. Those feet grow the most of all!
I love the start of a new season. Everything is so ripe with possibilities. Will this be the year? Will this be the year that Jack slams one over the fence. (We've come close before~ and I by the way embarrass him because this act never fails to make me cry. Last year's slam was even worse because Deb and I both were crying and jumping up and down like lunatics. But it was right out of the movies the team met him at home plate and everything!) Will this be the year that his pitching finally takes hold. He's got a good arm but it's also one of the wildest. Will this be the year that he makes it an entire season without having to take a leak behind the equipment shed thingee. (or worse yet in centerfield of an unoccupied field in full focus of the entire bleachers who were all watching him to see what in the world is he doing ) I guess we're about to find out.