Sunday, April 6, 2008
the game
I dragged three tired little butts to church this morning. Jackson and his friend Daniel spent the night with their bud Joseph last night. And poor Erin still hadn't quite recovered from her sugar-high birthday party yesterday. (Lauren just plain slept in) But a good time was had by all. The boys class broke into groups and acted out how they would respond to various real life situations. (the boys group had to figure out how a Christian should act when they broke a window playing baseball ). Erin's class decorated heart shaped cookies with frosting and sprinkles and then brought them over to the 3-4 year old class, before returning to make themselves a cookie. (they were sharing God's love) And I listened to a sermon from the "Change" Sermon series, and a soloist that I would have dragged myself out of bed at 4 in the morning to hear.
When we got home I caught the boys all splayed out on the coach as I was making a big Sunday breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and biscuits with the home made strawberry jelly I made last week.
This letter came in the mail yesterday. Wow. Two years away from being at the High School. This football stuff is serious stuff. They groom these boys early. The High School coach was at every one of Jack's football games this fall ~ watching his grandson but sure he was thinking a bit to the future eh.
Today is also the very last Blues game of the season. This was the first year in 7 that I didn't attend a game in person. But they were on the road much of March, and we had ice and snow like every weekend for three months straight, and well um they weren't very good this year. Truth hurts. I love my Blue note jersey. Even more than
this one. . . .
And my Sharks jersey. Unless of course they advance into the semi final round. Then it may be my favorite for the month.
Or if Boston wins of course then they'll be my favorite. In hockey they have rent-a-players. Players who join a team just before the trade deadline to boister a playoff run. Well as of this afternoon the Myers are rent-a-fans for the playoffs. We're up for grabs. ok. All but John. He'll always pick the Bruins. The Myers boys thought this was a very funny weird thing for Mom to do on a lazy old Sunday afternoon. Always glad to provide the entertainment.