We spent four great days camping at the lake with Grandma & Grandpa and Deb & the girls.

We took long boat rides.

Spent lots of time hanging out and laughing together.

We swam along the shore line. Jackson fished. We ate great food. (Grandma and Grandpa are the best at camp cooking!) We enjoyed nature.

Harold and I rode the big
intertube as Mom captained the boat.

And most importantly we made great memories.

Saturday night we went to the big naturalist Bird show at the camp. Just so you know I'm terrified of birds. Don't know why. But oh am I ever. I sat right in the middle not dreaming that the blasted things would be flying all over the tent right over our heads. One's feathers even touched Mom's hair. Deb claims we'd win the Funniest Videos contest hands down if we'd had the video player. She said my eyes got as big as saucers and I'd fling out of the direction the birds were going. Big old nasty vultures. Ravens. Falcons. I thought for sure I'd have nightmares. But after I got over myself some. And after Mom and Deb laughed until they cried. We all learned a ton about the birds. Really cool stuff. Did you know that the
Peregrine Falcon is the fastest animal on earth? That girl birds are bigger than boy birds? That their bones are hollow? That they live like 20 years? The state park where we camp has a great naturalist who has programs every weekend. They have a junior naturalist program that the kids just love.

The rest of the time we entertained each other. These are the girls "Dalton
head scarfs" cause all the old ladies in my grandma's home town always wore them. We played many rousing games of go fish and bingo. Jackson used the curtain that
separates the bed from the rest of the RV to create a puppet show for us. The curtain stopped about a foot off the ground. So he made a puppet show using his feet. Very funny and very creative.

And at night we curled up inside the nice air conditioned RV and fell right asleep all safe and secure. Except for the night we had the lightening storm. Debbie and Lauren slept in a tent right outside (some of us on the inside um snore) But they high tailed it inside at about 2 in the morning when the storm hit. Jackson and Erin are sleeping on what during the day time is the table. And Lauren and I slept on the couch.