Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Taking Cover Part Two
The storms came rumbling in again last night. Out of the blue the sirens went off. We in the midwest watch a show called "current weather conditions" and last night it was on from 6:30-10:00. Lots of drama and suspense. So when I say out of the blue. Well Katie didn't call it. No national weather service has issued..... Just the sirens. Which is waaaayyy spookier. And when they announced that a funnel with rotation had been spotted. We got our butts in the closet and fast. In the interest of fair journalism, I should tell you that this pic was taken the second time we hit the closet when the sirens went off the second time. But notice that one closet fits one boy and two dogs comfortably. It's like a dang clown car when you add the Mom and Dad and the cat. One goofy puppy still goes into the closet whenever he sees anyone else go in there. But one smarter border collie lady remembers it was hot in that closet and they shut the door.