Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday: The campout
Saturday Jack's friends Daniel and Brant camped out in the backyard. We have this great pop up camper with lots of ventilation for farty 12 year olds. The boys head off to our local Octoberfest with one of their parents. And while I am busy putting out fresh linens and blankets and washing the camper floor (whose idea was it to let Cooper and his muddy feet into the camper?) John was busy scarring the bee geezers out of the boys.
We had much fun devising things that would scare them. In fact we did such a good job the boys wouldn't sleep on the beds in the camper for the first hour of the night. They slept in a clump in the middle so that no one could get them on the sides. Then they started getting very uncomfortable and moved onto the beds. This milk jug and sheet perfectly moved in the breeze and someone caught just a glimpse of it. aaauuughh. Ok. Scaring 12 year olds is great fun. And listening to them laughed themselves silly was priceless.
Friday: Homecoming
Remember homecoming? Ah the memories. Sticking crepe paper in chicken wire for nights on in while flirting with the current crush. Thinking that those college freshman who returned where so old and worldly. I have a very vivid memory of running up the hill from the stadium with my dear friend Rhonda in the pouring rain- oh yea and she was dressed like a bee. We were the mighty yellow jackets. Bee's. I think she was a bee from the German club float. I had ridden the key club float. Oh my. In the annals of silly memories that ranks right up there. One of those laughs that just seers themselves deep into your memory bank. To be so carefree and joyful. To laugh that hard in the torrential rain with a friend dressed like a big bee.
Anyway. It's Jackson's turn for the memories. Homecoming was Friday. His memories are gonna be different. I had forgotten how the football team rocked. Kings of the castle. Studs of the ball. etc. They came riding in on the big truck looking tough and unbeatable. In a few short years it will be Jackson's turn to ride in the big truck or gasp next to some pretty little thing gunning for home coming queen (almost everyone was escorted by a football player)
Another thing that I'm having trouble getting used to is this. Jackson and his friend Matt watched the parade from the other side of the street. He's growing up and finding his own way. That means not wanting to hang out with your mother at the homecoming parade. I mean she might do something embarrassing. He mentioned clapping excessively in particular. Or looking all gooby and emotional. (ok I sometimes do this) It's part of growing up. And I'm having some growing pains. How can I hold my little boys hands when his hands are bigger than mine. Ok. Sorry it's that gooby and emotional thing again.
Another thing that I'm having trouble getting used to is this. Jackson and his friend Matt watched the parade from the other side of the street. He's growing up and finding his own way. That means not wanting to hang out with your mother at the homecoming parade. I mean she might do something embarrassing. He mentioned clapping excessively in particular. Or looking all gooby and emotional. (ok I sometimes do this) It's part of growing up. And I'm having some growing pains. How can I hold my little boys hands when his hands are bigger than mine. Ok. Sorry it's that gooby and emotional thing again.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Monday: Hockey Night in KC
Hockey made a rare appearance in KC Monday night. And you gotta bet that the Myers were there in force. Even if it was a minor league pre-season game. (the Blue's sent only 5 players who made the roster last year and the Kings sent a split squad & kept their stars in LA) But hey it's hockey. The Sprint center was beautiful and will make a great home for a team of our own. Myers butts will occupy two season tickets if it ever happens. Provided that we aren't so old and crippled that we can't even walk to our seats.
No it wasn't an errant puck. Aren't red snow cones a blast?
Saturday: Life by the Numbers
Number of years Grandpa Harold has been alive! Happy Birthday Harold!
Harold is kind, generous and funny. Not to mention tops in the Grandpa department. He's just good people- and we've been so blessed by having him as a part of our family.
Mustang touchdowns. (Warriors scored 1)
Fumble Recovery from big Mustang lineman Jack! Boy were we proud. Check out the fan club in team matching colors!
Age of Deb's sweet cat Charlie who died Saturday morning. Our vet made the entire experience as peaceful as possible. Rest in peace sweet kitty.
Number of years Grandpa Harold has been alive! Happy Birthday Harold!
Harold is kind, generous and funny. Not to mention tops in the Grandpa department. He's just good people- and we've been so blessed by having him as a part of our family.
Mustang touchdowns. (Warriors scored 1)
Fumble Recovery from big Mustang lineman Jack! Boy were we proud. Check out the fan club in team matching colors!
Age of Deb's sweet cat Charlie who died Saturday morning. Our vet made the entire experience as peaceful as possible. Rest in peace sweet kitty.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
An Update
I'm back. That's actually what's been keeping me away. My back. I pulled something in my lower back and spent several painful days looking at the ceiling and trying not to move or breath. Thank goodness that John is patient and loving & kept me medicated and fed and kept the cokes where I could reach them.
This is Harry and I. I spent a wonderful solitary Sunday afternoon at his library learning all about the start of the cold war. I actually had ventured out to see the Abraham Lincoln exhibit. (Abe is everywhere I look these days~ so how could I miss the exhibit)
My sis and her hubby are deep in the heart of Texas this week. Brian is learning for his job, and Deb is playing tourist deluxe. We got the best end of the deal. Lauren and Erin. We spent the most beautiful fall day at the Deanna Rose Farmstead with Erin. All sorts of farm animals, a warm autumn day, and the cutest 3 year old in the whole county. Doesn't get better than this.
We took a horse drawn hayride through the woods. It may just have been the best 15 minutes of the year.
We feed goats, chickens, ducks and Erin!
This afternoon I caught this shadowy image of Brady in the window. What's really weird is that this is a window that faces east- the sun doesn't shine through it in the afternoon. But for some reason the car was reflecting the sun. The funny part is that John was underneath the window trying to get the cat to lift up his paw.
This is Harry and I. I spent a wonderful solitary Sunday afternoon at his library learning all about the start of the cold war. I actually had ventured out to see the Abraham Lincoln exhibit. (Abe is everywhere I look these days~ so how could I miss the exhibit)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Mustangs 47- Jaguars 0
The Mustangs opened their season this morning against the Jaguars. The boys looked good. That dominate offense and the rock solid defense combined for the seasons first win. The boys get a horse shoe anytime they make a good play or are on the line when we score. At this rate coach needs to order a lot more horse shoes. Jackson plays left tackle on the offensive line (his job is to guard our quarterback Nick) and nose guard (then his job is to scare the bee geezes out of the quarterback by breaking through the other teams offensive line). I just look for his white shoes. His Aunt Debbie enjoys the game a lot more when she sees him on the sideline!
Ok. We've been doing this for a few seasons now. But when we first started I couldn't believe the level of testosterone in the air. You can almost smell it. But not quite because well a lot of other rather disgusting odors fill the air. But then a whiff of fresh popcorn, or a hot dog on the grill comes along before you need to hold your nose. But those pads are stinky. There are lots of men with puffed out chest. Our team owes it's success not to the offensive or the defensive but to the fact that the coach makes sure it's about the boys. And that makes it fun.
Jackson and John always have a big fan club at the games. Grandpa and Grandma look so small against Jack. Grandma declared that she must have been standing in a hole.

That's my Jackson. ...... way up there. When we get home will you make me a castle with my blocks?
John is absolutely great as a coach. He's determined to make sure that each boy has a positive experience. He's awarding horse shoes to the teams two new rookies. Last year Ethan was the water boy. He lives right across the street from the field and came to every practice, every game and was just a total part of the team. This year he's a safety. The other player played his very first football game ever. John also awarded the offensive player of the game to Nick our quarterback.
That's my Jackson. ...... way up there. When we get home will you make me a castle with my blocks?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Erin's Preschool
Our favorite three year old in the entire world started preschool yesterday. Uncle Johnny and I were lucky enough to drive her there. She absolutely beamed when she walked out to start her day. Silly Aunt Renie forgot the camera (luckily Mom had her's so we have the required 100 pics). But I did remember to take pics of her returning home after her big first day of school.
That Tinkerbell back pack is just about as big as she is!
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