Another thing that I'm having trouble getting used to is this. Jackson and his friend Matt watched the parade from the other side of the street. He's growing up and finding his own way. That means not wanting to hang out with your mother at the homecoming parade. I mean she might do something embarrassing. He mentioned clapping excessively in particular. Or looking all gooby and emotional. (ok I sometimes do this) It's part of growing up. And I'm having some growing pains. How can I hold my little boys hands when his hands are bigger than mine. Ok. Sorry it's that gooby and emotional thing again.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday: Homecoming
Remember homecoming? Ah the memories. Sticking crepe paper in chicken wire for nights on in while flirting with the current crush. Thinking that those college freshman who returned where so old and worldly. I have a very vivid memory of running up the hill from the stadium with my dear friend Rhonda in the pouring rain- oh yea and she was dressed like a bee. We were the mighty yellow jackets. Bee's. I think she was a bee from the German club float. I had ridden the key club float. Oh my. In the annals of silly memories that ranks right up there. One of those laughs that just seers themselves deep into your memory bank. To be so carefree and joyful. To laugh that hard in the torrential rain with a friend dressed like a big bee.
Anyway. It's Jackson's turn for the memories. Homecoming was Friday. His memories are gonna be different. I had forgotten how the football team rocked. Kings of the castle. Studs of the ball. etc. They came riding in on the big truck looking tough and unbeatable. In a few short years it will be Jackson's turn to ride in the big truck or gasp next to some pretty little thing gunning for home coming queen (almost everyone was escorted by a football player)
Another thing that I'm having trouble getting used to is this. Jackson and his friend Matt watched the parade from the other side of the street. He's growing up and finding his own way. That means not wanting to hang out with your mother at the homecoming parade. I mean she might do something embarrassing. He mentioned clapping excessively in particular. Or looking all gooby and emotional. (ok I sometimes do this) It's part of growing up. And I'm having some growing pains. How can I hold my little boys hands when his hands are bigger than mine. Ok. Sorry it's that gooby and emotional thing again.
Another thing that I'm having trouble getting used to is this. Jackson and his friend Matt watched the parade from the other side of the street. He's growing up and finding his own way. That means not wanting to hang out with your mother at the homecoming parade. I mean she might do something embarrassing. He mentioned clapping excessively in particular. Or looking all gooby and emotional. (ok I sometimes do this) It's part of growing up. And I'm having some growing pains. How can I hold my little boys hands when his hands are bigger than mine. Ok. Sorry it's that gooby and emotional thing again.