Monday, September 29, 2008
Saturday: The campout
Saturday Jack's friends Daniel and Brant camped out in the backyard. We have this great pop up camper with lots of ventilation for farty 12 year olds. The boys head off to our local Octoberfest with one of their parents. And while I am busy putting out fresh linens and blankets and washing the camper floor (whose idea was it to let Cooper and his muddy feet into the camper?) John was busy scarring the bee geezers out of the boys.
We had much fun devising things that would scare them. In fact we did such a good job the boys wouldn't sleep on the beds in the camper for the first hour of the night. They slept in a clump in the middle so that no one could get them on the sides. Then they started getting very uncomfortable and moved onto the beds. This milk jug and sheet perfectly moved in the breeze and someone caught just a glimpse of it. aaauuughh. Ok. Scaring 12 year olds is great fun. And listening to them laughed themselves silly was priceless.