We became travelers awaiting the census. We appeared before magistrates to declare the number of goats, sheep and cows. We ventured through a market place complete with live animals. Spent time with King Herod just as the wise men appeared before his court. Saw the shepherds keeping watch over live sheep (one of whom pooped tic tac turds to the great giggles of the kiddos), saw the angel Gabrielle appear from what appeared to be layers and layers of sheer curtains and talked with some inn keepers who offered their manger to the very pregnant Mary. And then finally we found the baby Jesus. The entire experience made a big impression on every body. The girls just loved it. Lauren nearly raced to the front after each scenario because she couldn't wait to see what would be next.
Then for our evening finale we went to a KC landmark "that house on Falmouth Street." This couple has outfitted their house into the most amazing Christmas display ever. Folks come from far and near to gawk at all sorts of animated characters. Every inch of their garage is stacked. The side of their house has been fashioned into a nativity. Then the front of their house has about 10 store window displays. You stop, park and then walk on the yard to get the full view. There must have been about 30 people at any given time just enjoying the displays.
It's Christmas in Kansas City!