Last night we went to a rousing performance of the Gingerbread Caper featuring our own Lauren and the rest of her classmates. Songs of
the season and cute kids are two of my favorite holiday indulgences.

Lauren gets congratulatory greetings from Grandpa Harold and Grandma Joyce.

The Gingerbread man ran away because he was lonely. So the kids came up with the idea of making more gingerbread men so that he wouldn't be alone. And with the pull of a
hoodie every kid in the first and second grade became
whola a gingerbread man. Very cute.

Lauren and Erin attend almost every one of Jackson's football and baseball games. (Even that frigid cold one with wind chills in the 20's) So this was a chance for Jackson to be a part of
her fan club!

Uncle Johnny was the president of the fan club!