We've been camping at the lake. We've camped at the same camp site at the same camp ground at the same lake for over 20 years. Of course Erin's only been for the past 4 years so it's all new to her. She slit open just the very bottom of the tent door and slithered in and sat watching.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
the Camping Trip
You've been neglected dear reader. I'm very sorry for the oversight.
We've been camping at the lake. We've camped at the same camp site at the same camp ground at the same lake for over 20 years. Of course Erin's only been for the past 4 years so it's all new to her. She slit open just the very bottom of the tent door and slithered in and sat watching.
The boys liked hanging out with grandma and grandpa. And hanging out by themselves. And watching girls in bikini's cause well that's what they do. Sometimes while they are supposed to be pulling the boat up to the shore. And yea we all noticed and laughed.
Harold is a great camp cook. He was the one who introduced us to the campground. Just another good reason to love Harold.
We have lots of good camp memories. 20 years worth of memories. This trip will forever be remembered for the naturalist program on caves. This campground is ran by the state parks and features an awesome naturalist who presents programs on all sorts of natural things. We've been to a lot of them. Jackson earned his junior naturalist badge which required that we attend oh 7 or 8 of them back when he was about 9. We once played nature bingo for like 4 hours much to his utter delight. Now it's the girls turn. So Deb and I hiked up to a rousing presentation on Missouri caves. She was talking 'bout some cave crickets that eat hairworm eggs and then the eggs grown in their bellies until they get a bubble and the bubble explodes hatching the worm. And she went on with the presentation without telling us at all what happened to those poor little crickets. It ate at me until I finally had to ask. And the girls about fell over laughing "Um did the cricket die?" Maybe it was the fact that just before I asked Erin, having grown bored, was trying to eat her toe nails. Oh it was a good laugh.
We've been camping at the lake. We've camped at the same camp site at the same camp ground at the same lake for over 20 years. Of course Erin's only been for the past 4 years so it's all new to her. She slit open just the very bottom of the tent door and slithered in and sat watching.