Number of veggies: 4 (tomatoes, green beans, lettuce & carrots)
Number of 8th grade boys working out with the high school team: 10
Number of hours per day boys work out with high school team past two weeks: 4 (including 2 hours of football camp one week, and 2 hours of speed camp the next)
Number of boys in the carpool: 7
Number of people my van seats comfortably: 6
Number of pounds vet says she should weigh: 50
Number of red blood cells in her blood work in January: 21
Number of Red Blood Cells in her blood work now: 42 (yes!)
Number of weeks she's been on steroids: 21
Number of steps her very arthritic joints have to climb every day: 14
Number of boys on the baseball team: 13
Number of boys who are pitchers: 6
Number of boys who are also offensive lineman: 4