Tuesday, July 7, 2009
We spent the morning touring the Shatto Dairy. It's a working dairy farm that processes their own milk. Was named a Small Business of the Year. And went to the White House for a ceremony.
The tour required the wearing of hats. This was funny. Oh yea it was funny. The boys are wondering what in the world they've got themselves into.
One of us needed a much bigger hat.
After we saw the big processing vats and the machine that washes the glass bottles, we got to sample some milk. Fancy milk. Orange milk, root beer milk, banana milk and the universally agreed upon favorite flavor..... chocolate.
We got to see cows being milked. Lauren thanked Miss Pat for providing her calcium for these past 7 years. We also got to hand milk a cow. But when poor Lauren bent down to squeeze that udder the cow's tail whipped around and knocked her hat off. And it being a paper hat it made a crisp smack sound that 'bout made us all jump out of our skins.
We got to see adorable baby calves. Those baby calves just loved Jackson. He'd try to walk away and they'd grab his clothes, his hand anything for just a little more Jackson.
This was quite amusing. With a bit of detective work we remembered that Jack had went to football camp before we left. Cows must love that sweaty, salty flavor. Yum.