Friday, November 26, 2010


Tessie is the weirdest dog we've ever had. She sounds and acts just like the Tasmanian Devil. She burst awake at 5:30 every single morning. She is relentless. And for the next 4 hours terrorizes our family.

She's excited that it's finally morning so she can emerge from her crate and play ball.
Luckily John takes pity on her and will play ball or frisbee with her for hours every morning.

She absolutely lives to fetch and chase things. And since we dont' have any sheep
this generally means a soccer ball, her flying toy thingee, or one of her hundreds of balls.
She's very serious about her play. She's not like a goofy playfully retriever. She's all business. And obsessive. And if you don't indulge her she'll drive you plum nuts.

If we can make it till 9:30..... she's a nice fairly normal dog the rest of the day. She loved her first hike a few weeks back. And she's loving her puppy kindergarten class. Every Saturday, she's one of nine little puppies learning how to be social and nice.