Something horrible happened. Cooper was hit by a car last night. ( Friday night at 9:45 p.m.) He nudged the front door opened and darted into the street just as a car was speeding by. Words can't address how awful it was. The thud. The yelp. The way your brain explodes with the knowledge of what's just happened. John scooped him up and we raced to our emergency vet. Not knowing if he was going to die in his arms.
The vet said that Cooper was very lucky. Nothing was broken and at this point he's escaped without major injuries. He has a bad cut on his thigh and they had to dig gravel out of his chin. We have to watch him carefully over the next 3 days to make sure he doesn't have internal injuries from all the bruising. They gave him moraphine and a sedative to exam him fully. We all spent a very sleepless night watching him breath. The car didn't even stop.