Remember the
Griswalds trip to
Wally World. Well it turns out it's very much like the Myers go to a political rally! Tonight we went to see Bill Clinton in Independence. Everyone in western MO went to see Bill Clinton in Independence tonight! The high school parking lot was absolutely packed- and people had parked in every inch of lot. I ended up getting stuck in a wretchedly small place to make a right turn. I rolled down all the windows and inch by inch somehow got my mammoth old van to go right. Back and forth, back and forth, and a report by Sammy sticking her head out the window that I was getting "a little close to the other car." Back and forth some more. Kids are scared all heads stuck next to windows. I was about to have Jackson hop out and find a police officer- because I was just plain old stuck. Then I said well just one more try and somehow we got out of there. We parked way down the road. We decided to just walk through the grassy area next to the school to save some distance and time- not knowing that we would walk through a bog of ankle deep mud. When we finally got inside Jackson told the person handing out the stickers "this is not dog poop- it's mud." And she just laughed.

We finally found some seats. Such relief. We made it. Then I look around and think 'man there's not THAT many people here." No one had told us we were the overflow audience! Now how to keep three kids occupied who can't see anything. But at least we could hear him. After his audio speech we waited and waited. The staff had said "he always speaks to the overflow crowd." Finally someone comes to tell us that he's already left. The kids were great- and I do believe we had fun in spite of ourselves. Jackson says he'd really like to go see
Obama who is town next Tuesday. ("well ya never know
he might be the next president") I don't know if my nerves will have been sufficiently recovered by then. But the civics lesson went well huh!

There were lots of Ron Paul people at the
rally. Jackson asked one "um who is Ron Paul and why are you here?" The whole crew of them responded. One asked him "what issues concern you most?" And I had to redirect "he's 12- his friends are 9 and 7."