Introducing our dogs. Colby, on the left, is a 7 year old border collie mix. She was destined for medical research before her owner decided to give her and her litter to me. The rest of the litter found good homes- and then we decided that Colby had already found hers! Three years ago she contracted Rockey Mountain Spotted
Feaver and the high fevers it produced led to Auto Immune
Hemolytic Anemia. Months of high doses of
steriods lead to her weight gain. But she's been symptom free now for several years. (although she can't have shots and we treat her immune system with kit gloves) Cooper is a one year old Golden Retriever mix. Notice the cute little Hitler mustache. He and Jackson have graduated from 4 obedience classes (puppy kindergarten, basic obedience, agility and advanced agility) He's still an
onery goof ball who has eaten 8 remotes and last week a yellow highlighter!