Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Day at the Fair
It's Fair day at Myers house. Deb and I took the girls to Sedalia for a day of old fashioned fun.
The highlight of the fairs culinary delights is the corn dogs of course. Deb and I have a long history of champion corn dog eatin too. We sat and ate these yummy corn dogs as we watched beautiful Belgian draft horses. Erin gnawed her corn dog to death.
Carlee's a friend of ours who is visiting Debbie this week. She lives in Florida. Smokey the Bear is always a hit at the fair. Except for when Lauren was a little bitty munchkin and she didn't realized that the thing talked. And talked in this low deep voice that nearly scared the bee geeza out of her. She nearly clawed my neck to bits trying to get away. That would be Erin's red snow cone slopped all over her cute little shirt. Oh and I think it was right about this part of the day that we realized that we'd given sweet little Carlee a red snow cone. Yea she's allergic to red food dye. Not good. Luckily Deb had the Benedrile packed.