Boys and Girls are different. But not as different as you might think. Brides spend days finding just the right dress and then days more making sure that it fits to perfection. Hey I had five (yes 5) fittings on a dress made to order to my measurements. Boys are fitted with equal fervor for football equipment. Remember a few weeks back we were measured. Well today was the fitting. Every piece carefully tried on and adjusted to make sure that it's prepared for the marriage of crushes and tackles that will soon be inflicted. Then the boys went in search of football cleats. Such calculated choices. Forget the Manolo's, Jack's football cleats are the most expensive piece of footwear in the entire house. (and his baseball cleats are probably the second most expensive)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
the fitting
We are being held in house arrest by the oppressive heat today. One of those three digit days that makes even the air hurt when you breath. So forgive me if I'm in a bit of a musing mood. That and in my boredom I went to town on the shower scum in the bathtub and might just be a bit high on the fumes.
Boys and Girls are different. But not as different as you might think. Brides spend days finding just the right dress and then days more making sure that it fits to perfection. Hey I had five (yes 5) fittings on a dress made to order to my measurements. Boys are fitted with equal fervor for football equipment. Remember a few weeks back we were measured. Well today was the fitting. Every piece carefully tried on and adjusted to make sure that it's prepared for the marriage of crushes and tackles that will soon be inflicted. Then the boys went in search of football cleats. Such calculated choices. Forget the Manolo's, Jack's football cleats are the most expensive piece of footwear in the entire house. (and his baseball cleats are probably the second most expensive)
Boys and Girls are different. But not as different as you might think. Brides spend days finding just the right dress and then days more making sure that it fits to perfection. Hey I had five (yes 5) fittings on a dress made to order to my measurements. Boys are fitted with equal fervor for football equipment. Remember a few weeks back we were measured. Well today was the fitting. Every piece carefully tried on and adjusted to make sure that it's prepared for the marriage of crushes and tackles that will soon be inflicted. Then the boys went in search of football cleats. Such calculated choices. Forget the Manolo's, Jack's football cleats are the most expensive piece of footwear in the entire house. (and his baseball cleats are probably the second most expensive)