Tuesday, August 12, 2008
One of the heirlooms that we purchased at Granny's sell was an armload of hand em bordered linens. After carefully washing them. I put them on the line to be sun kissed dried.
These pretty linens were made by either my granny, my great grandma Lonnie (who was an extremely talented seamstress), my great grandma Drew or my dear Great Aunt Alida. All of whom probably either made or gave my grandparents their handy work.
As I put them on the line I wondered about what their minds were thinking while their fingers created these priceless heirlooms. Were they sitting around the porch at night talking about the war. In France? In Vietnam? Or were they talking about the latest gossip from the church supper. Whom was seen kissing who. The newest couple to announce a new baby. Or the mysterious new family in the country.
Or were they sitting next to the fire or the stove on a cold winter night. Wondering about what they would feed their children for breakfast. Or if their little one's fever would break. Or one of the universal things mom's have worried about for ages. I'll never know. But I know that they put a lot of love into these pillow cases, shelf and table runners and tea towels.