Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

I'm a lucky momma to have Jackson as my baby. But check it out my baby is now about an inch taller than I am. Yikes.

My boys made it a very nice mother's day for me! Pink roses and a gift certificate to Cockrell Mercantile. (it's this great upscale cooking and gift shop out on a farm)
My momma and me. She's wise and wonderful. I hit the jack pot when it came to mom's.

We all feasted at Deb's after church.

Harold and Grandma Vernie. Another great mama. We know this not only because she is a great grandma to us - not a great grandma but a grandma that's great! But because she most have had something to do with Harold. Who in his kind, patient and gentle way has been such a great Dad to us!
And here's to the mother -to-be. Look how sweet Erin is cradling her baby Susie against the wind after church.