So on this weather weary day- we gathered to bless Granny's journey. And family members ventured out into the winter to bid her goodbye. There was absolutely no interaction between Dad and us (nor her family who came along for the ride) and only the most minimal between Dad and the rest of the family.
The saddest part of our day was the "graveside" service. No tent, no chairs. Maybe 3 minutes of service. With pelting ice chopping at our cheeks. Many of Granny's friends, her sister, her best friend who couldn't be a part of the service in the city had trekked out and I'm sure where just shocked at the abbreviated service. And then the weirdest thing of all is that they actually buried her right there before us- men jumping down into that hole and doing a pulley thing with ropes and the placing of the stone across the hole. Jackson found it fascinating, but it was totally inappropriate.
The majority of the family made memorial gifts to help maintain the cemetary. Deb and I will honor Granny with a full blown memorial service- for all of her friends and families in either March or April. (complete with good food and lots of good memories)