Monday, February 25, 2008


After church I made three batches of homemade noodles. One of which became Sunday dinner! The sermon this morning was about "Get a Grip" ~ what do you grab on to when the storms of life hit. Pretty relevant huh!

Messing with an annoyed cat is never a good idea. The funny thing is that school pictures are on Tuesday~ boy is it going to be good.

The highlight of our Sunday was Deb's Oscar party. She had a full spread of good to eat things including of course Oscar Meyer hot dogs and movie popcorn. My Mom brought her prized winning M & M cookies~ which were very prized by Erin. She kept picking off the M& M's so some of the cookies were a bit naked.

Speaking of naked. Lauren shared with us her anatomically correct farm animals and showed us the boys "toot bottles." She believes this is what gives them their farting abilities. Hence the toot.