Wednesday, February 13, 2008
My Granny has truly been surrounded by Angels. Debbie and I have been visiting her despite the evil one's attempts to banish all love from her presence. We were there this morning and had a wonderful visit with her~ singing, and praying and telling her of our love. This pic is of Deb speeding down the highway after we were told by hospital personnel that we had every legal right to be with our Granny and that they could NOT block our love. (and I'll have to tell you the picture was taken several days ago- we just didn't want to give the evil one's clues about our activities!) God gave us a beautiful woman named Guerda this morning. Who came to clean Granny's room. She gave us great comfort and big hugs. The social worker tells us that although no one knows when- that she is down to hours or days.
When I started this blog one of my goals was to keep it real. No sugary coatings. No Stepford wife type glossing over things. Little did I know how real life would be. But I did want to give you something warm and cozy and full of awwwwwws.