My poor baby is still sick today. I took him to the doctor and just kicked myself for not bringing the camera. They stick us in this room- oh how to describe this room. It was electric sea green- Jackson said it should be called dizzy green. With a theromstat stuck on high- and the afternoon sun blaring in. To make it worse- there were pictures of mean looking clowns on the walls. Diamond eyed, creepy smile clowns. The walls were so thin between these little rooms that we could hear everything on the rooms to either side. Which in our case was a baby screaming at full throttle. I told Jackson that these would make good torture rooms- and he agreed that prisoners would agree to anything just to get out of it. And torture they did to my poor baby- the this-is-gonna-be-bad-and-just-deal-with it nurse jabbed a q-tip through his nose up into his brain and then down his throat (not the same q-tip thank God) He's negative for the influenza and for strep. And we escaped minus any meds. We like our pediatritian- but oh my I think it's time to find some where else to go!
There is much to keep my mind busy. (because of course my heart is with my Granny). Plans for the sixth grade Valentine's party, and the school carnival and even still the 6th grade DARE graduation. 4 loads of laundry, and a house that benefited from the adrenoline of anger that jabs at my being. And of course tending to my sick baby.
I let Cooper and Colby outside to play and a while later looked outside to see him sitting serenely in the very middle of the yard carefully looking around like one of the Brady brunch kids. Thought it was so funny I went outside to get the pic! He is the most "natural" dog I've ever had. He really likes to be outside- and has the tightest "prey" instinct I've ever seen. Bout rips your arms from the sockets if a squirrel or a bird crosses close. Of course he much prefers to be with his pack. If you have a dog that you just keep outside- or worse yet in a pen- or even worse chained to a tree....... you should just get yourself a nice stuffed animal dog cause you didn't really want a
real dog.